Q: “Whither advertising?”

Another student question posed during my recent visit to the Brand Center at Virginia Commonwealth University.

This is an advertising/media focused question, “What is your overall view of the advertising industry and what do you think we have to do to stay relevant?”  I will post a few others over the course of this week.


BTW, I will be speaking at Kutztown University tonight.

1 thought on “Q: “Whither advertising?””

  1. It seems like just about every industry is in need of a complete overhaul and fresh re-thinking…desperate for innovation and yet that “daily grind” is not the place to let that happen. I am so glad I left the art gallery system that left me free to innovate on how to share my art with the world breaking rule after rule after rule. Danny you are truly an excellent communicator often on the cusp of the prophetic.


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