Old spuds and new duds.

Click image to enlarge

This is really devolving. God only knows why I am being so revealing these days, airing my ill-fitting laundry to the world on this blog. I should really just tell you about my dip pens and the quality of the binding on this book. Instead I’m writing about my new fantasies of myself as suave and debonair on the one hand and hoarding old potatoes on the other. Sad, really.

Alright, I will reveal that I am inappropriately proud of those paintings of taters. And of how many shades of purple I was able to mix with just two bottles of watercolor.

Now if I can only find a sharp tuxedo. Or a leather jumpsuit. Something that won’t show ink stains…

16 thoughts on “Old spuds and new duds.”

  1. Danny, we are here. We are listening. We may know a bit of what you’re going through. I certainly know about wanting to be leaner, sharper, more essential when in mourning. Forget about dip pens, if this is what you feel most like doing with your blog. It’s real. You taught us how to re-create the world by drawing. You taught us how to listen and to sketch in order to understand a little more of what we’re experiencing every day. I’m sure we are many, and we’re listening. Now more than ever.


  2. Hi, Danny –

    I LOVE it when a new post pops up from you! It’s almost beginning to feel like the old blogging days when you posted drawings and thoughts several days a week. 🙂 Please keep it up! No pressure though. You need to take care of yourself and do whatever best helps you do that.

    Just know that I am thoroughly enjoying the new drawings and, of course, sending lots of good thoughts your way.



  3. I agree with Melinda. I’m sorry for what you and Jack Tea have had to endure, but I am definitely enjoying your posts. Last night I re-read “Everyday Matters.” Before that, my journals were more words than drawings. This morning I changed that … new journal, fresh start. Thank you, Danny, for sharing! Take care, Line


  4. At least you have a reason for hoarding old potatoes. All I can say of myself is that I’m lazy and don’t cook as much as I should!

    I think we reinvent ourselves periodically and at a time of change like you’ve been going through, it seems to be a perfect time – this new persona can move away, just a little bit, from the pain of the “old” you, the one that was melded with Patti so closely.

    As always, thanks for sharing with us!


  5. Two weeks before my father-in-law died he gave me some onions that he had grown in his garden. Those onions stayed in my refrigerator for over a year. They sprouted long green stalks and roots. I just couldn’t bring myself to eat them or throw them out. I eventually planted them. It was a very healing thing to do that.


  6. You are alive, and living, and mourning even if you did not want to. Your words and lines are so vibrant and REAL. I too know a bit of what you are experiencing – it is so healthy and natural to journal, release, examine and expell – we Are listening. My journaling gives me joy and probably therapy at the same time – all taught by you and others (Dan Price etc) We do like to see you check in with us, it comforts us and if we can be there for you in some way – all the better.
    And Yes those are spectacular spuds!


  7. Blogs are journals, too. This is your space as much as that book you tote around; never apologize.
    As for debonair attire that doesn’t show ink stains, I vote old school 1920’s gangster wear. Although the hat is a definite must, the gun is optional, I suppose:)


  8. Danny–I’ve been berating myself a bit about a similar bit ‘over-sharing’ via the sketches and writing on my own blog lately. I found this quote this afternoon which I found comforting, especially given that much of what I write in my sketchbook is not for me, but others…

    “How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with other people.”

    – Edward F. Benson


  9. A new look is always a good thing–sounds like you’re trying out different parts of your personality, too. Good for you. It’s hard to go from being part of a couple to being you, and you sort of rediscover yourself, I think. (Well, or so I did in a similar situation, anyway.)

    Great drawings. Your relationship with Jack is touching to me. I was a single parent for years and I treasure the times I had with my son at that age.


  10. A leather jumpsuit? Oy. Journals are meant to be a safe place for emotions and thoughts. I say keep them up as one day you will treasure these. And good for Jack for sticking to his peanut guns!


  11. Ya know what? you’re beautiful and brilliant, and i am so happy that you are revealing more than you want to sometimes right now. maybe you should. maybe you should lean back on this huge mass of people loving you and mourning with you and being your amazed fans all at the same time. i jes got the book ya edited of illustrated journals, the third book of yours i have (and i am MIGHTY POOR LOL)…and you’re great. i am not even an artist lol. i poke around with colored pencils…more of a “writer” (ie overeducated, underpublished lol). anyway. this is just a random fan letter. know that you are loved…and good for the suave sexy you hahaha. you’ll figure it out.


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