22 thoughts on “616”

  1. I thought about Patti a lot, for some reason, yesterday that’s why I sent you sketches for her collection. Warm thoughts for you today Danny. – Trev


  2. What a beautiful photo–somehow reminiscent of the old tinted ones. Is there some way you could include it in your new book? I thought I’d send along the concluding lines from Robbie Burns’s poem “Ae Fond Kiss” that commemorates the parting from his beloved:

    “Deep in heart-wrung tears I’ll pledge thee,
    Warring sighs and groans I’ll wage thee.”

    (This poem is movingly sung by Karen Matheson on YouTube, by the way. It never fails to bring me to tears.)

    All the best to you,


  3. We all love you Danny and wish there was something we could each do to make yo feel better If there is let us know. Annette


  4. Your special days are still to be celebrated. You’ll always miss her but the pain will lessen. I’m glad you had many days together, not that they were nearly enough. 6-16 is a special day for me also.



  5. I only learned about your story a few days ago.

    I was frustrated by my drawing. I do not really know how to draw.As I was searching for the right book to borrow from the local library, your book Everyday Matters jumped right out at me.

    Last night, I found out from the Internet that Patti is gone.

    I was sad since last night. There were contradictory reports about what happened. Someone
    said that she looked sad or depressed that day not saying hello and acted rather unusual that morning. I was surprised, but I understand why she was put in the category and viewed as a paraplegic.

    Patti’s passing is easier for everyone if it had been an accident. Only Patti alone knows the truth. To me, I see Patti’s pain and her love to you. Could it be the case that on that day, it was all too much for her to bear? Could Patti have taken fate into her own hand that day?

    I just gave Patti a hug now.

    I don’t know if you’ve read The Tibetan Book of the Dead ( W. Y. Evans-Wentz). I do believe in reincarnation. I believe your artistic journey started since many life times ago. The American seer Edgar Cayce’s work may interest you too.

    I lived in Queens and went to Hunter college back decades ago. I love your drawings. I can’t agree more with you about the Exit turnstiles being meat slicers. You crack me up.


    1. I am glad that you have found my work, Wisteria. However, don’t be misled by the nonsense you read on the Internet. Patti’s death was a tragic accident — everyone (except a couple of yellow journalists who never knew her) have no doubt of that. Rest assured that Patti was a beacon of happiness and wisdom for all she met. You would certainly have liked her and known immediately that she would never hurt herself or those who love her. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to set the record straight.



  6. Maybe I am too idealistic. Maybe I don’t want to ever put Patti in a category that would predispose her in a place where she has no complete control over how she wants her life to be. Maybe I want to believe that hers is a noble path that very few have the courage to thread on where she’d give her life for those she truly love while making it all look like an accident to spare everyone from further suffering. And it’s exactly a wise soul that would be capable of such a noble deed. I do not know her. I could not imagine her pain. I doubt we ever really know anyone even after spending a life time with them. That’s the mystery of being a human being.

    Have you ever noticed the water droplets splattered on the shower curtain while showering? Have you ever looked at the odd shapes of the cracked up asphalt mosaic on a campus road and wonder how they can be so beautiful and so different in shape one from the other? The way the sharp pieces of a broken glass lie on the floor? Pieces all different one from the other in size and shape…Random is the category, the drawer, we put these phenomena into. I’m sure everything can be explained in scientific terms including accidents and coincidences or the fact that I bumped into your book in the library. I’m infamous for my endless questions, not exactly looking for particular answers but to allow possibilities to present themselves for me to have a more focused bird’s eye view. It’s very likely that Patti loves you more than you ever know. I want to believe that she is the composer of the last note of her life: to become love.

    If you believe in reincarnation, you’d know that Patti and you had lived many life times together. You’d be relieved that you’’ll meet her again in a future life time.

    Eckhart Tolle talks about the end of suffering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HyZNKH54Ms
    and said that once we’ve suffered enough, we’d realize that we no longer have to suffer when we cease to mentally argue with what is.
    His words are very helpful to me.

    Our beloved never disappear. They have become a part of us. When we see, we see through our eyes and their eyes at the same time. This is how I feel. And their spirit indeed is right around us. They exist in a dimension very different from ours.

    Now, Patti has become love. And that love lives in you, and through you, it’ll be passed on to everyone you meet.

    Thank you Patti! Thank you Danny! For your love!!!


  7. I had no idea when I showed my own daughter your blog that your life experiences were what they are. Thank you for your honesty and sharing and creativity. I have posted your articles on applying to art schools to my students here in Beijing. I have shown your Breakfast video to so many. My heart feels what you have gone through as it is all too familiar for me. Kendra


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