I’m on my way to speak in San Francisco

Ill be at the HOW Design Conference, hosted by one of my awesome publishers. I spoke at the conference before, when An Illustrated Life first came out, and it was a wonderful experience.
I will be talking to hundreds of graphic designers about How your sketchbook can open your mind, boost your creativity, and rock your world. I am always amazed at how many creative professionals have forgotten how to draw. I hope to turn them on again.
If you are at the conference, please come up and say hi.

14 thoughts on “I’m on my way to speak in San Francisco”

  1. I wish you had on-line classes! Your videos are fun and inspiring and more importantly, I’ve begun sketching! Thank you, Danny!! Now…about offering an on-line class….. 😉


  2. Danny, have a good flight and come back home well!
    I think your students can be happy to hear from you, because you are not only “lecturing”, but also personally “living” about what your are talking!
    “There’s no better way to draw, feel the difference” 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I’m also the living proof:
    My life changed in many ways, since I startet to draw (almost) daily. This was in January 2012, inspired by your “The Creative License”.
    For me, the first important and helpful success of “daily drawing”, was, to be able to control “the voice” (monkey) – this eased my mind and inner feelings.

    So, now I’ve learned:
    The first important step for creativity, is to “relaxe inside” – you cannot be creative, when ‘black clouds cross your mind and blue mist is around your soul…’

    I hope “my english” could explain what I mean…:-)
    – Matthias


  3. Hah hah I only wish I was in San Francisco! I see a new career here for you Mr. Danny. Wouldn’t it be great if we could reach a REALLY LARGE group of international people to all draw something at the same day & time (understanding that time is different on the other side of the world) ~something that tells who they are/where they come from and then post to a group/blog? Call it Seeing the World Around You~ My mind is spinning with ideas! Inspired by YOU. Draw native flowers, draw ethnic food, draw typical street or countryside…

    Have a blast in San Fran. Don’t forget to draw the city and POST!


    1. PS. This would be a great idea for educators to use in a classroom as a way for the kids to get to know one another. Can be adapted for different age groups. I think I need to write a book about drawing/creativity and kids. Another idea for my retirement which is coming up soon.


    2. Great idea! To make it less confusing with time zones, you could set a time, like, 1 pm on a Sunday afternoon or something. Fair enough it’s not 1 pm at the same time all over the world, but you’d see what everyone is getting inspired by at that time.


  4. Wishing you much success in your conference! I’m sure your work will inspire others to draw again. I’ve just finished “Every Day Matters” and “An Illustrated Life “, both great reads and so inspiring. Thank you so much for what you do. Have a fabulous trip and hope you have time to get out and do some of the city, send back sketches, please! Have fun!


  5. Danny,

    I have organized a weekend of sketchcrawling in San Francisco/Oakland celebrating the 40th Worldwide Sketchcrawl, July 12-14th. To date we have approximately 55 people who plan to attend the event. I am wondering if you could give us a plug when you make your presentation. Details can be found at the blog address I filed with this posting.

    The event has been approved as an alternative event to the 4th Urban Sketchers Symposium in Barcelona by the Urban Sketchers organization.

    Thank you so much for any consideration of this proposal,

    Jim Bumgarner


  6. Aw man ive been waiting for you to be in this area! One day i hope to meet you in person, i wish i could be there. Ive enjoyed all your books so much, hope you have fun in my neck of the woods! Please post if you are doing some kind of sketch thing while you are here i would love to be there.


  7. This sounds exciting to reach this group of professionals. You are briliiantly creative in person interacting with others AND on the page. We’re very lucky to have you helping to spin the art world for us. Look forward to hearing more about it.
    P.S. I’m addicted to your Illustrated Journey interviews. Could they be put on a DVD for purchase?


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