Sketchbook Skool – first update

Phew, it’s been a crazy day and loads of people have enrolled in Sketchbook Skool and there have also been all sorts of questions about how it works.  To clarify, here’s a video from HQ West.

If all your fears and concerns are allayed, please stop by for more information and a chance to sign up for our first semester on the theme “Beginnings”.

16 thoughts on “Sketchbook Skool – first update”

    1. So, if this first set of classes/semester is called the “Beginnings” does that mean there will be a second semester, a third, a forth … And will they start up as soon as the previous one ends? Will the art we post stay on line forever or will it disappear at the end of a semester! Can a person register for 2nd semester if they haven’t taken the first one?
      I’ll sleep on this and register in the morning. I’m excited. I still go back and watch your breakfast video as it was one of the first things that got me journaling.


  1. Oh my goodness you are funny. You could’ve charged a fee for us to watch this video. You are great in front of the camera and I love your humor. Your dogs got in on the show too. They spent the intro of the video sniffing then rolling in the grass. You know what that they need a bath. I sat and smiled all the way thorugh this video. I hope you know you have to come on periodically for the next two months and entertain us while we wait. Thank you, thank you for doing this! Exciting stuff!


  2. Odd. The West Koast Kampus looks an awful lot like . . . Danny’s backyard. Think it was the Administrative Assistant rolling in the grass that gave it away . . . .


  3. Danny, I’ve read all your books, follow your blog (Brenda Swenson’s and everyone else’s!) and recommend them in the classes on sketchbook journaling I teach way out here in the Midwest! I’ve been at it a while and with the help you all have already given, my journaling has evolved into a passion! This is super exciting and I will be putting the link on my blog and Facebook page for all to benefit from. I’ll be joining you as well! Thanks for doing this!


  4. About a year ago, after being away from my art for two decades plus, I discovered a man with a “breakfast video” on You Tube who sparked my interest and inspired me that it was possible to begin again right where I had left off, all those years ago. That man was Danny Gregory.

    Because of your books, videos and blog I discovered other artist’s like Brenda Swenson, Cathy Johnson and Jane La Fazio who created the most amazing sketchbook and journal pages I had ever seen and I was hooked on this new way of making art.

    I am so looking forward to this new venture of Sketchbook Skool that I have posted it on my Facebook page with comments. I know it will be a great opportunity and a wonderful journey for everyone who participates.

    Thanks for all that you do Danny to help Artist’s like myself, be all that we can be… one brushstroke at a time.


  5. I just can’t wait.

    BTW, it’s totally understandable that you have bought a corporate jet for your international faculty, and it must be really exciting to have one, but you need to cut down the joyriding. I can hear them engines revving constantly in the background. 😉


  6. Hi Danny……I’m ‘in’…….but would like to access the list of people who have already enrolled especially to see if there’s other people in my own country. I saw the list some days ago but don’t seem to be able to access it now. Also there was a question posed ‘Is Sketchskool worth it?’… replied but the link to the rest of your answer was ‘page not found’. Can you help, please?


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