12 thoughts on “Swimming with Lisa Congdon, Pt. 3”

  1. Danny, this is a great series of chats – but I don’t see something to click to open part 3. tried clicking the bathing suits, but think there is something I am missing?


  2. I can’t find a way to access part 3 of the interview with Lisa Congdon either. Perhaps the link is missing?


  3. Hi Danny, Do you know if the group “Everyday Matters” is still going on? Haven’t seen anyone post except a woman who goes by Kat. Just wondering. I enjoyed it.


  4. Great collection! I particularly appreciate the 80’s one, but fun to see what a fashionable gal would be sporting according to the time. Lisa does fabulous work, and it was so interesting to hear more on her perspective in the interview. Thanks Danny!


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