The Creative License

The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to Be the Artist You Truly Are

Creativity is something we are all born with, but somewhere along the way, we convince ourselves we don’t have the right to label ourselves as creative or artists. This book is my attempt to reverse that with a step-by-step process to reawaken the creative impulse in us all. It’s designed to be fun, easy, a little snarky, and addictive. 

My goal is to help you lay the foundation for a lifelong habit of drawing, making things, and becoming what you always dreamed of being — an artist. It’s crammed with drawings and paintings and designed to be your constant, dog-eared, coffee-stained sidekick.

9 thoughts on “The Creative License”

  1. I wanted to draw since I was a little girl; since the first time I saw my best friend draw a coyote that came alive straight off the page, since I took my first watercolor class in college, since the first painting book I ever bought. But all my listless art attempts went nowhere, even when I painted something “good enough” to hang on my wall. Then, I found Hannah Hinchman’s ‘A Life in Hand’, and A Trail through the Leaves’. And just like that, my artistic yearning had a crystal clear direction. And then I discovered ‘Every Day Matters’, and ‘The Creative License’. These jewels breathed life into my journals. I still paint and draw alone in my far-removed, remote and isolated world, but I have many wonderful books now, and I follow a lively and robust worldwide community of sketchers and journal keepers. Danny, you are at the nucleus of that world and catalyst of that experience for many of us.
    Here are a couple of illustrated journals you may already have, if not they are wonderful. Teresa Jordan’s, ‘Field Notes from Yosemite’ and ‘Field Notes from the Grand Canyon’.


  2. […] ao que um autor com experiência neste campo, Danny Gregory, transmite no seu interessante livro The creative license – giving yourself permission to be the artist you truly are, que tem a capacidade de nos entusiasmar e que nos dá ferramentas para partir à descoberta das […]


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