Today I am 56.
That probably seems old, if you’re forty. Really old, if you’re twenty. Ancient, if you’re ten. Young, if you’re seventy. A mere kid, if you’re ninety.
Hitler killed himself at 56.
Lincoln was assassinated at 56.
Steve Jobs died at 56.
Beethoven too.
They’d all done more than me by now. But that’s okay.
When I was five, my grandfather turned 56. To me, he seemed oldish, grandfatherly, white-haired, bearded, but then he went on and on living for another forty-two years.
56 feels more or less the right age for me to me. I’ve done a bunch of stuff in these years. Got scars, wrinkles. Lost some hairs, no teeth. Lived. But I’m not done yet. Not by a long stretch.
Happy 56th to me. I’ve had three slices of birthday cake already today. I plan to have some more.

43 thoughts on “56”

  1. I remember 56. I’m only seven years ahead of you. Aside from quite a bit of grey hair, I still feel youngish. How fortunate to have your grandfather around for so long. I hope I can be a grandma for a long time. I didn’t have my girls til I was in my mid 30s, and it looks like they are following suit. I’ll just have to keep moving, keep learning new things and keep loving life! Three pieces of cake is a delightful way to celebrate. Wishing you many bright blessings and a very Happy Birthday!


  2. Loved your post- you are still young!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MANY, MANY MORE. In my opinion, you have accomplished a whole lot. Keep up the good work.


  3. Yep, from my vantage point you are a mere kid and I plan to go on for a long, long time (so much art to create, you know). So you are just now starting your second half! You can’t even imagine how many people you have helped and encouraged through your books, blogs, and Sk. Skool! So many, many more birthdays are in order!


  4. The cake looks delicious!
    We’ve missed you here!
    Enjoy your day!
    Yes to me you are very young!
    I really can’t remember turning 56 but I must have unless I was so busy crafting and forgot! Problem not as I LOVE birthdays!
    Again wishing you a happy day and a creative new year!


  5. Happy Birthday, Danny, from an almost 52 year old who doesn’t feel old. Thanks for living out loud and giving so many gifts to the world, your inspiration and art and encouragement and books and Sketchbook Skool! I hope this year brings many gifts back atcha.


  6. Happy Birthday, Danny. I’m glad you’re enjoying what you do. That’s so important. And you’re helping the rest of us enjoy our time here as well. On a good day I can remember 56 and let me tell you the time just flies by so enjoy every single minute that you can. And do have another piece of cake. So Happy Birthday and THANK YOU!


  7. Ahhhhh 56! I’m reversed at 65…but feels like I’m just getting started to savor and really enjoy the next…moment and moment and moment. Life is a series of Happy Moments, enjoy every one! Total Joy.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy birthday to one of my most favorite people in the world!!! You got me thru the worst of times and I will never forget reading and re-reading your books! So suck it up and look forward to 57 :))). Love to you and the family!

    Sent from my iPhone



  9. I couldn’t see how to leave a reply Danny — just wanted to say that September 4 is a good day! It’s my birthday too, and I’m 80 today, and I. So glad I found Sketchbook Skool. It has added wonders to my life. Thanks!

    Sent from my iPad



  10. Happy birthday, Danny🤓
    I love your books; have ordered a few as gifts for friends. I was touched by your honesty way back when you lost your wife and somehow figured out how to help your self and your young son keep going without her. Your sharing is a gift. Peace 🙏🏻


  11. Happy Birthday Danny! Age is such a relative thing indeed. You are a spring chicken to those of us who are older, an oldster to those in their 20’s. It is not the years in your life but the life in your years (paraphrased from Abe Lincoln).


  12. Happy birthday day. You’ve lived and experienced so.much of life. It’s not the number of years it’s how you lived them. All how we see things. Enjoying your weitings


  13. I’m the Palindrone of your 56, I’m 65 LOL… I’ve accomplished not much except having a baby girl that has made me very proud. I’ve been learning to draw for the past 8 years, thanks to you.. Danny Gregory… so Happy birthday young fellow 🙂


  14. Happy Belated Birthday! I just turned 57, feel decades younger. Like me, you seem to acknowledge that age is just a number. Love your work and wish you many happy, healthy and productive years ahead!


  15. Happy Birthday Danny!! Wishing you the best in these years ahead. Thanks for all you do to help us enrich our lives. From one of your grateful students.


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