Ten courses I’d like to take

I love learning new stuff, but rarely do it in a systematic way. I should try learning from someone who knows what they are doing for a change.

Acting. I loved acting in plays in high school and college. I directed several plays. I even wrote a couple. The thrill, the camaraderie, the chance to inhabit another skill. So cool, but I haven’t done it since.

Coding. Something I did in middle and high school, when computers were made of wood and animal hide — but it’s a whole new world since the days we wrote in BASIC and Fortran. Maybe app development or CSS, before they become obsolete. Try Code academy.

After Effects. I have a vague sense of it but would love to be fluent with its animation tools . Maybe I’ll start with an online course on Lynda.com.

Clown school. It rocked my world in LA. I should go back.

Cooking. I’d like to study knife skills and the chemistry of cooking.

Singing. I always assume I have no skill and can’t carry a tune. But Jenny has been taking classes this summer and loves it. We could do duets.

Philosophy. I’ve been dabbling in Plato and Aristotle but it would be great to learn from someone who can explain and make it relevant.

History. I hated it in school. Now I love it. Maybe US and European 1880-1914. But many other periods fascinate me too. 1860s. 1770s. 1500s.

Ceramics. I’d love to throw some pots, study glazing etc.

Magic. I mean what could be cooler? Or dorkier?

Swimming. I never really got the hang of it when I was ten and still can’t mange the crawl. How great it would be to be 100% confident in the water.

Carpentry. This used to be my passion. New York City real estate defeated it. I’d love to study in a well-stocked workshop with a teacher with leathery hands and a missing finger.

What would my life have been like if I had gone to law school? Business school? Medical school? Graduate school? Art school? All were fantasies at some point or another.

What would you like to learn?

14 thoughts on “Ten courses I’d like to take”

  1. Here is a suggestion for learning about Philosophy, not from a teacher, but getting started on your own. Read “Sophie’s World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy” by Jostein Gaarder.


  2. Oh wow! There’s so much I’d love to learn to do but most of all I’d love to learn to make animations. And I agree with Katie – as someone who has studied Philosophy, Sophie’s World is a good place to start for anyone who hasn’t or who needs a refresher!


  3. I would love to learn how to play the piano. It would be awesome to be able to walk in a room of people and begin playing fun tunes for a sing-a-long. Apparently there was a concert pianist in my lineage which is probably why I have the ‘itch’. I even have a full size electric keyboard hiding under my bed playing with the dust bunnies. My quilting, drawing, painting, and reading fill my days to overflowing that I never remember try and tickle the ivories.


  4. I went back to university this year. I literally get to decide what I would like to take! So far I have enjoyed the learning process every time. This time around it is like a buffet of classes. The last time I did this, there were set classes and few choices.

    Takes some classes Danny. See what you enjoy. Try something you are not sure about. It may surprise you!


  5. Photoshop!! I’d love to learn Photoshop.

    Danny, for singing there is a great online teacher that really knows his stuff- Ken Tamplin. That guy can sing anything. He has a starter course (on DVD I believe) that looks excellent and his students sound good as well.


  6. Spanish would be my first pick! So many people in our country can speak at least 2 languages. I tried on one of those programs you buy from a kiosk in the malls. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t keep it up and have a terrible memory!


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