Our newest kourse

I’m super excited about the brand new kourse we just put together at Sketchbook Skool. It features five amazing creative people and I do hope you’ll join me in Imagining! We start on September 18 so sign up now at sketchbookskool.com

Here’s a Facebook Live video I made to introduce why I think it’s worth your time:

8 thoughts on “Our newest kourse”

  1. This kourse sounds huge! Two of my favorite words are imagination and creativity. I can’t reathe without them. I am so pumped about this kourse!! I’ll be there.


  2. Hello! This sounds great and I am interested, but it does not say what we will have to do as participants – do we have to show up at specific times, do homework, etc….? Or are these prerecorded sessions that we watch at our own pace? Thank you, Cindy


  3. Danny this is almost like a bookclub presentation. You provide a lot of information in each post and I appreciate what you do,.Sometimes you remind me to ask and answer questions which I think are so important to answer if I want to reach “that place.”


  4. Hello. This sounds great and I am interested, but you did not say what is expected of participants. Do we need to show up at specific times, do homework…or is this a self paced course we can watch at our own pace? Thank you, Cindy


    1. There’s a new klass every week, but it is self paced. You do have homework, and you post your homework to the gallery for each klass. However, the homework is not graded, it’s just for your own exercise and growth. Other students may or may not give feedback. Nobody keeps track of whether you finished a klass or posted homework. It’s up to you.


  5. I have zero imagination. Will this kourse help me be more imaginative and therefore more creative? I fear I may be intimidated because I’m not good at this. $99 is a lot of money if I’m just going to watch the instructors do what they do. Watching them make their art does not mean I will then be able to do it.


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