Inspiration Saturday: a tiny adventure

This week I finished my homework early, in part because it was a short, sweet assignment. Our teacher was the legendary Michael Nobbs, my old pal and a calm and lovely spirit.  Speaking of, this week I met an ent.

This is the last week of “Expressing” and I have enjoyed sharing my homework projects with you. I do hope you’ll join me in one of the klasses beginning next Friday at Sketchbook Skool. You can sign up today to make sure you have a spot.

27 thoughts on “Inspiration Saturday: a tiny adventure”

  1. I haven’t had my tiny adventure yet but it won’t be outside. Here in Labrador it has warmed up considerably from yesterday but it is -21 C (-6 F) and so I can’t draw with my big mitts on. Love that tree you did. Maybe I’ll go on a tiny adventure to the long term care unit and draw my mother-in-law. Afraid starting tomorrow I’m going on a work trip to Saskatoon and so my adventures won’t be tiny to me. Within the larger adventure of getting out of Dodge and going to a city!! I might find little adventures within. Thanks for your contined inspiration.


  2. Enjoyed your video first thing this morning. You make me laugh! Enjoy your debauchery, hopefully with the proceeds from Shut Your Monkey you will have bale money. I found Michael calming as well. I discovered him a while back, probably through you, and his message was perfect for me. Just 20 minutes a day builds a body of work. In his Klass I think I finally heard “be good to yourself” and I see the value in rewards and habit to make that happen. I loved it, Michael and SBS! Now off to a weekend of nothing special, (I’ve run out of tequila) but I definatly will be doing a tiny adventure. Thanks for sharing yours!


  3. I think it was mean to promise the dogs an outing and then leave them home!! …But I completely understand; I have a miniature weiner dog who attracts far more attention than he deserves really. Any sort of walk or adventure is doubled in time with Clyde! So point taken…I’ll leave him home when I go for my mini drawing adventure. Love your gnarly tree drawing


  4. Thanks for a walk through my old neighborhood park – I really miss all of that is NYC! I remember that tree! It made me remember one that I found on a walk here a couple of years ago that has faces (at least I see them) in the patterns of the bark so I’ll head out there this afternoon. We’ll crowd fund your bail money:)


    1. Yes, the park is so familiar and fondly remembered. Thanks from me, too, for a walk through a favorite place. And then, of course, I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure, sans dogs, of listening to the sounds, watching you draw, and the running commentary. Laughing along with others who enjoyed the video.


  5. Danny…I love you…you are a wonderful spirit. But please tell me the fur on your hood is not real. And if it is, please look into how those coats are made. I know you would never knowingly want to take part in that kind of business. Thank you for all you do. Barb


  6. Thanks for sharing! Always inspirational: make it look achievable.

    I wish you a nice “gregory-an” week-end! :0) (I’ll “steal” that too:)


  7. Fun video to watch and listen to. I thought you might be taking on too much by doing the recording, the sketching, the photography etc… I realized that you weren’t planning to well when you did not pack the dog treats, so I wonder did you just have good intentions but realized that it was way too much for one superhero to do? Your pals are really something special, I did not like your leaving them behind after all of the fanfare, but hey it was real. Thank you Danny your commitment to this project is heartening.


  8. Very much enjoy your short vids and humour. Hope your sweet dogs got the walk they were promised. And just a thought about people who stop to talk, when I’m painting out people will say the funniest things but they’re trying to make a connection with me doing something they’d never thought to do and it can be rather joyful to pass on a way to see art all around us. And I especially enjoy the guy who tells me that there are classes available!


  9. I have to say that every time I watch your videos, you inspire me to do so much more. I need to set time aside for myself and go on mini adventures to find me again. Thank You!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. And now for something completely different – your drawing could be of a tree made of roses. Interesting how each eye views things differently. Now that I’m past 50, “things” have begun growing on me like an old tree stump covered in age bumps. Your drawing has convinced me that mine will soon be roses and other age related beauty marks and instead of negative, I’ll get out my pen and draw the beauty in my everyday.


  11. Well, that was a FINE example of being a Naughty Pet Owner — build those poor boys up for a muddy, tiny adventure in the park, and then say “Just Kidding! You’re staying home!”
    But, you did make an expressive drawing! And I hope you made it up to the guys with a Very Long Romp, bushels of treats and lots of cuddles.


  12. Whew Whee, it’s noisy in the city! I live in a rural farming area…central Ohio…with Amish buggies driving by. If it weren’t for the dudes in their four wheel drive trucks it’d be very quiet here. I could hardly enjoy your film thinking about those tail wagging dogs being denied their trip to the park. I’m sure you went right home and gathered them for their tiny adventure. ha ha Your tree reminded me of a tree at Gambier called the Upside Down Tree which I have taken photos of but keep meaning to go draw it. That would make for a good tiny adventure. Watching your video made me homesick for Winnie the Pooh and honey on toast. Loved how setting the timer for twenty minutes to go out and draw can transform your entire day. Cheers-Darlene


  13. well I see everyone (just about) has chastised you for leaving the boys behind, when you told them a trip to the park was coming… they looked so happy to hear go out and park. They forgave you immediately I’m sure 🙂 I agree with Darlene, very noisy in NYC, I too love Michael Nobbs, it is so soothing to listen to his pod casts, he should make recordings for people who can’t sleep, reading bedtime stories… zzzzzz


  14. I really appreciate how you have done the homework assignments alongside us, Danny. I just want you to know that I find your voice and energy in your videos gentle and calming just like Michael’s.
    Your tiny adventure reminds me of a gnarly, maple tree near me that I finally SAW last Spring that I would like to draw. Perhaps I will get in the car and drive around to it for my tiny adventure. There will not be people walking by but rather well meaning people who slow down checking to see that I am alright and have not had car trouble – ah, country living.


  15. I do love the way you’ve joined in with the homework during this Expressing class Danny – it’s been really nice to see your interpretation of the homework. I think this has been one of the best SBS courses yet – wish it could go on for ever! Thank you and Koosje for finding such brilliant tutors – I think Michael is an inspiration to all of us. (Love where he lives in west Wales, it looks so interesting and green, and I bet it rains a lot!!)


  16. While you were describing how calm you were feeling the sirens kept getting louder and louder and by the end it was almost impossible to hear you for the cacophony surrounding you. From the viewing end, sitting quietly at home, it was approaching stressful. And very funny. Life in NYC.

    Loved the whole thing.


  17. “Expressing” was the best series yet and greatly enriched by your demonstrations of the homework. Thanks to you and Koosje for gathering another great bunch of teachers and lovely humans to encourage us. They were all wonderful and I will revisit their classes many times. Millions of thanks!


  18. Danny, thank you so much for sharing your homework with us throughout this class. It was a highlight for me—in a few cases the actual instructor left me feeling a little befuddled or uninspired or overwhelmed, and in those cases watching you engage the assignments fired me up to do the same, in ways that suited me. So thank you—though they weren’t an official part of Expressing, they were truly one of the best parts for me.


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