Workbooking: a travel disaster

I try. But when a stressful day with too little sleep has me on the ropes, my best intentions go out the window.  Here’s an example. My pledge to share an exercise from the Workbook as often as possible — draw, make a video about it, and then blog about it — collided with my recent travel itinerary and the results are recorded on YouTube.

Warning: this video is a little crabby, a tad unreasonable, and the drawing’s not something a professional teacher would share with his class, but the actual valuable lesson in it is about life, the challenges of trying to better oneself, and when to board a plane. Enjoy. Then get back to work.

31 thoughts on “Workbooking: a travel disaster”

  1. I have tried every which way to see this – including going to your youtube spot but nada. The longer I try the more alluring it becomes. What will I see when I succeed? You taking down a surly subway guard? A drawing of a sad goat in Nepal who ate your most recent sketch? A cold blt?


  2. I don’t want to make you crabbier but I can’t see it either – and the frustration just might ruin my Saturday morning coffee ritual.


  3. “Sorry Error” posted when I tried to watch video. I’ll check back later as the video instructs. Because now I want to see it more than ever. I had a day like you that yesterday but thank goodness I wasn’t traveling. That would have sent me over the edge. Hope you got to nap during the flight. Cheers-


  4. Little or no sleep seems to make one feel raw and certainly not the most pleasant feeling in the world. When I feel like this I will draw in bed to relax my mind and journey into the sleep stage a little easier. Hope your meeting went well!


  5. Good night Crabby! I push myself to do things that I sincerely want to do, but sometimes that push turns it into a chore. It’s a delicate thing to make something fun an obligation without squashing the joy as I try to develop the habits I aspire to. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one. I hope you got a good night’s rest.


  6. Hi Danny; thank you for your impressive, touching commitment to drawing AND to sharing with us, even when you’re just back from such a stressful trip. Your workbook is going with me to CA. today, and I’m so glad I got to see this video before I leave. P.S. I don’t give a care whether you’re drrawing from life or from photos. Those kind of people are the ones who scared me away from drawing.
    Rest up. Sweet dreams. Draw however you please. Dee


  7. Yay! Got it and totally worth the wait. You do understand that people are magnetized to you and your work because you are authentic, eh? So a grumpy, bristle-faced Danny in his nightclothes with a nowhere story and some hohum drawings are gold! And breakfast? It can happen anytime.


  8. I so appreciate your transparency! You are truly authentic and even the grumpy Danny makes me laugh and helps me to be able to reflect that after a long, not so good day at work I should draw! Being tired and not wanting to do something is just an excuse I’ve used way too many times. Thanks for the reality check.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love the authentic and realness of the video. And true to NY form (I can say that being from
    here too 😬). And I almost nosed my coffee when that truck blasted the horn. Anyway, I always appreciate what you do Danny, and we all have “those” days, so if nothing else videos like this make you even more relatable. Thanks for leading the charge!


  10. Daany you have a winner on your hands. This time it is a win for all those who watch you also. This is so good your monkey is even good. I think this is probably some of your best work. By the way, don’t listen to your monkey.


  11. Your being “real” somehow gives us all permission to be less than perfect and not be bothered about it. No apology necessary. Your are a friend in my heart even though we have never met.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank goodness you’re human like the rest of us…I struggle to stick with things like this too…so I set myself targets that i have some hope of achieving or I feel defeated all the time. Cheer us up again soon with your efforts to stick with the task…and my Workbook should come next week, have been waiting ages for it to arrive!


  13. This made me laugh AND want to draw. You are the real deal, and that’s what I find compelling about you. It also made me feel a little bit better about being 4 days behind in my workbook. Grrrr


  14. Thanks for being so publicly human! I tell myself “If Danny can be grumpy, air a video in night clothes, break an intention to have a drawing habit, draw another time without being in the “zone,” and handle critics, then I can be me living without guilt in my world.” What a relief…whew! Smiling, Zena

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Oh, I’m sorry, I laughed so much during this video! Chill Danny, we all have days like that, especially when we have to travel by plane, and I love that you’re not always happy and that things don’t always go the way you want them to…welcome to real life! Really, this was one of your most interesting videos…I couldn’t quit watching. Get some sleep!


  16. Danny you have been the best inspiration for me to draw. I love your crappy from this travel video and I love everything thing else you put out there. I have most if not all your books and take the Sketchbook Skool classes. You have got me to be way more creative than I ever dreamed. I wanted to say thank you!


  17. I think this is one of my favorite videos so far! I have felt exactly like this. There are days when I want to draw in my sketchbook, but I don’t want to…Sometimes just starting helps get me in the groove, but sometimes not. I guess the best I can do is the best I can do at the time and if drawing starts to feel like work, I shouldn’t be doing it. I already have a job and it pays me real money. I sketch to get ion the zone, to have something that is mine alone. Thank you for showing us your “crabby side,” Danny. You are human and I really like that. Also, I am guilty of drawing squares in my sketchbook and doing the little drawings, but I promise I am going to get your workbook. I have all your other books. Thanks for sharing yourself and your art with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. 😦 😦 😦 I didn’t mean to be rude! I draw from photos all the time. I just wanted to know if your perfectly framed pictures were some extra magic I didn’t know about. I’m sorry. 😦


  19. You manage to keep your sense of humor throughout the “crabby” video. You are far from spineless but show how human you are by not being perfect in following the daily habit. We all have situations that prevent us from sticking to the plan exactly. As you said tomorrow is another opportunity to get back on track. I drew squares in my sketchbook and promptly decided I deserved to buy your book. It was at my doorstep in 2 days. Now I can follow along with you. I am an experienced painter but your books and classes have helped me through my blocked periods and given me a sense of connection to you and others. Keep up the good work and so what if you drew from photos. No big deal. Better than not drawing at all.


  20. I enjoyed your Crabby video. It motivated me to just draw even if I can only manage a tiny thumbnail Art some days. I liked hearing the NY sounds too.


  21. Just realized my notebook wasn’t in my pocket where it always is! Now it is so I can continue…I know you’ve told us all this before but how do you video yourself and yourself drawing and what is that pen you use again? Sorry!


  22. I loved your travel disaster video…I love drawing in airports…also, “confessing” your drawings from photos…sorry someone “called you out” on it – but actually helps open a door and give “permission” to those of us in a creative slump to jump back in and not be punished by using a crutch to get back in the swing. Than you!


  23. I think this just might be my most favourite video yet! Love your authenticity and humour – as always you are an inspiration. Thank You.


  24. You have inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and try different techniques. My brother goes to chemo clinic 3 days a week and I have sketched people there. I am surprised – I actually am seeing improvements.
    PS: Don’t be so hard on yourself. We all have not so gooddays!


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