On not drawing

It happens. You ought to write something, draw something, not eat something, but ya just aren’t feeling it. Your New Year resolutions have petered out — less than two weeks into January.  Are you a bad person? Worthless? Is the monkey 100% right?

‘Course not. Ronnie Lawlor (who is drawing monster, by the by) and I talk about why not.

(Happy Friday 13th! It’s your luck day.)

Workbooking: a travel disaster

I try. But when a stressful day with too little sleep has me on the ropes, my best intentions go out the window.  Here’s an example. My pledge to share an exercise from the Workbook as often as possible — draw, make a video about it, and then blog about it — collided with my recent travel itinerary and the results are recorded on YouTube.

Warning: this video is a little crabby, a tad unreasonable, and the drawing’s not something a professional teacher would share with his class, but the actual valuable lesson in it is about life, the challenges of trying to better oneself, and when to board a plane. Enjoy. Then get back to work.