10 thoughts on “Sketchbook Club: Me”

  1. Very nice video! I enjoyed it very much. I have a friend that is just getting into ham radio. I may have to find a copy of your ham radio book for him. Thanks Danny!


  2. “Hello world” sounds like a fascinating book!! What an interesting discovery, life certainly worth of journaling.


  3. oh, your book in Russian! I’ll have to add it to my library when i go visit my home country!


  4. No, no! Not too long. Seemed like I was sitting alongside you as you shared something I’m interested in and doing: sketching and journaling. I have some of your books and use ideas from them as I ‘do art’ EVERYDAY. Thanks, Danny
    p.s. I began sketching last year at age 79.


  5. WOW – thanks for a wonderful trip down memory lane! My Dad bought my brother a make-your-own Ham radio kit back in the 50’s and taught us all about it. We spent many hours talking to people all over the world which was just amazing back then. Also, as an elementary school child in the 50’s I certainly remember all those dumb educational film strips that we had to sit through. Of course, the ones we didn’t mind watching were about sex education – a subject that no one talked about back then (smiley face here). I had forgotten about Blurb and seeing the ones you have self-printed about things you have written and want to hang onto has inspired me! Thanks for a delightful 45 minutes with a cup of coffee at the end of a long day.


  6. I have really been enjoying these book reviews, and this one is my favorite! Probably because I have most of your published books and it was interesting to hear their back story.


  7. Actually, Prentice Hall is “The World’s Leading Education Publisher” according to Google. They definitely missed their chance with your book, however. Thank you for posting these videos. I’m really enjoying them.


  8. Really love this video. On my bookshelfs are a lot of your books and they are always making me a bit “lighter”. A kiss before you go is my GEM.
    Thank you soooo much.


  9. I absolutely love sketchbook club, it’s always fascinating, although both my bank balance and book shelfs are groaning! And we are only on no. 10!!


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