More than you could possibly want to know about me.

Last week, the lovely and inspiring Jane LaFazio sent me a bunch of questions for an interview and I decided to turn them into a little film, shot in my home and the places  I frequent about town. It’s a little long, 20 minutes or so, but vaguely amusing:

You can see Jane’s comments about it here;

18 thoughts on “More than you could possibly want to know about me.”

  1. I saw this on Jane’s blog and thought it was excellent. I really enjoyed watching this film and was pleasantly surprised at how well made it was. Where do I go to start a fan club LOL?


  2. LOVED the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excited about the two new books that are in the process of being published by you! so glad you think eating hot fudge sundaes is a great help to drawing! (did you say that? Well, I may have heard what I wanted to hear as I love hot fudge sundaes!) thanks for sharing so much of yourself. You inspire me each day and I also draw almost daily now as a result. It makes my life exciting!


  3. Great questions! Great answers!

    Here’s one I’d like to ask, Danny… if you get a chance to answer…..

    I teach traditional drawing to students in a graphic design program who are totally digital & they complain about learning to draw because they think they can pull it together with photoshop. What could you say to these students about recognizing the benefits of traditional drawing techniques into their digital world??????

    (BTW ~ I show all your videos in class and bring your books for them to see)

    Looking forward to your latest books.

    Sharon (aka ArtL8dY)


  4. My brother bought me your book for my birthday and I’ve become obsessed! I have now taken up doing a daily sketchbook and I am blogging my progress! This video is so fun! Thanks for posting, and writing your book!!! Changed my life in many ways.


  5. Wow Danny! That video was really awesome! We got to know you so much better. I wish you would keep making videos like this.


  6. I really think you guys should do that video about pens! Not only because many folks (us) are very particular about their pens but because, like ArtL8dy’s reply shows, there is a trend of neglecting pens and drawing by hand in design and other fields. Think how cursive script is loosing ground because ‘handwriting is not that important anymore since everyone uses computers.’ But computer screens and pads are nothing in comparison to the hand and the pen. By using your hands you not only learn about stuff but you learn to handle and manipulate/utilise it in a completely different way. Pen is not only mightier than a sword, it’s mightier than the computer. And it doesn’t require electricity, just a surface.


  7. Loved the movie. Always inspired by these. i’ve been journaling just about everyday for awhile. I think the pen and ink one is a good idea. I’ve been using the pen Tommy Kane uses lately and its great, but I’d like to have some different choices. Anyway I looked for the books you talked about and found most of them at amazon if anyone is interested. Thanks again Danny. Keep making these great movies.


  8. Danny,

    I have been following you since several years ago and I have never thank you for the inspiration your books have brought to my life. I recovered the passion for drawing that I repressed for years… You are an amazing and incredible person.

    Once again thank you so much!


  9. Great video! I agree, thanks for the inspiration. I also started to draw after reading your book, “Everyday Matters”, and it has enriched my life, in ways that surprise me. I’ve learned that there is not just “one” way to draw and that what I put on the paper can be expressive!


  10. Love the interview. My masters thesis was about community and you just described the value of community – feeling valued and loved. I have to agree. I look forward to your blog as well as EDM yahoo group. Great bunch of folks! My gratitude for starting it.
    ps Just got my copies of An illustrated Life and Creative License.


  11. oh yeah!! thank you soooooooooo much Danny for not only answering my interview questions, but creating this most fabulous video!. really, it means sooo much to me. thank you…and LOVE the video and your fab answers.


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