Art Before Breakfast: My Cabinet pts.1 & 2

Before the holiday season began, I started sharing some videos of drawing exercises, drawn (as it were) from my book, Art Before Breakfast. What with drinking too much holiday punch, trying on too many new socks and sweaters, and launching the new term at Sketchbook Skool, I abandoned the series — but only temporarily. Let’s keep going, shall we?

Today, let’s return to my bathroom. Last time, I started a contour drawing of the contents of my bathroom cabinet, all those unguents, potions and salves that keep me looking so boyish and fresh. If you’ve forgotten, here it is again:

Now, let’s fill in all the information that sits within those contours. This is made a lot easier by the shapes we already drew. I’ll show you how to use them as guides to add detail. Open your eyes and uncap your pens!

If you’re new to drawing or are struggling with the basics, I hope this series will be helpful. (Here’re the past episodes, in case you missed any.)

On Fridays, I work through an idea from Art Before Breakfast. It would be lovely if I could imagine you out there drawing along with me. This particular exercise comes from page 31. If you decide to do it too, please share with me how it turned out! (Share the results on your own blog or on Facebook and post a link in my comments section. Use #artb4bkfst on Twitter or FB).

Art Before Breakfast: My Cabinet pt.1

Today, come with me into my inner sanctum: my bathroom cabinet. Therein, you can marvel at the many powerful medications I take and the unguents, potions and salves that keep me looking so boyish and fresh. Open your eyes and uncap your pens.

It’s Friday and time for the next in my series of simple videos on how to see and draw, based on my latest book, Art Before Breakfast. We will use all of the tools I have given you so far — proportions, contours, and negative space — to draw a scene that is complex and varied. I do this exercise regularly to build my powers of observations and work on my fundamentals.

If you’re new to drawing or are struggling with the basics, I hope this series will be helpful. (Here’re the past episodes, in case you missed any.)

Every Friday I work through an idea from Art Before Breakfast. It would be lovely if I could imagine you out there drawing along with me. This particular exercise comes from page 30. If you decide to do it too, please share with me how it turned out! (Share the results on your own blog or on Facebook and post a link in my comments section. Use #artb4bkfst on Twitter or FB).

Art Before Breakfast: How to see.

I’ve made some simple videos to walk you through the steps of seeing and drawing as I outline them in the first section of my book, Art Before Breakfast. This first one is about why you don’t need talent to get started, just a couple of simple ideas that might jog your brain, including a demonstration of contour drawing. If you’re new to drawing or are struggling with the basics, I hope this series will be helpful.

Every Friday I work through an idea from Art Before Breakfast. It would be lovely if I could imagine you out there drawing along with me. This particular exercise comes from page 25. If you decide to do it too, please share with me how it turned out! (Share the results on your own blog or on Facebook and post a link in my comments section. Use #artb4bkfst on Twitter or FB).